Accepted Workshops
13th Int. Workshop on Assurance in Distributed Systems and Networks (ADSN)
6th Int. Workshop on Hot Topics in Peer-to-peer computing and Online Social neTworking (HotPOST)
4th Int. Workshop on Data Center Performance (DCPerf)
1st Int. Workshop on Big Data Analytics for Security (DASec)
Call For Workshops (CLOSED)
Workshops provide opportunities for focused discussion on selected topics related to distributed computing systems in a group setting. A workshop proposal submission consists of a descriptive proposal that is not more than 3 pages in length and contains the following information:
- Title and description of the workshop including scopes, and relevance to the distributed computing systems communit.
- Names and contact information of the organizer.
- A tentative call for papers with important dates (submission of papers, notifications etc), and any relevant pre-workshop preparations.
- A summary of the planned workshop activities including:
- Length of time (full day or half day).
- Space required (i.e., room capacity), and etc.
- A desired schedule, i.e., approximate number of papers, invited talks, panels, and/or discussion sessions.
- Whether workshop is new or an ongoing workshop.
- Information on past editions of the workshop (if applicable) including:
- History and frequency of the workshop
- Previous conference co-locations
- URLs, if available
- Approximate attendance
Acceptance will be based on an evaluation of the workshop’s potential for generating useful results, the timeliness of and the expected interest in the topic, and the proposers’ ability to lead a successful workshop.
Organizers are expected to perform any additional advertising in related communities outside the main ICDCS community, to create and maintain the workshop website, arrange for the collection and refereeing of submissions, and to co-ordinate the collection and delivery of camera ready material and IEEE copyright transfers.
Please submit all workshop proposals by September 30, 2013, preferably as a PDF attachment.
Submission is via e-mail to the ICDCS PC workshop co-chairs (Roberto Baldoni and Jason Gu
Workshop proposers will be notified of the outcome of their submission by October 10th, 2013.
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