Resultados (científicos y tecnológicos)
- Armando Fox. Seminario de Investigación: “Cruzando el abismo educativo” de la ingeniería de software utilizando Software como Servicio y computación en nube. 19/09/2012, Facultad de Informática, UPM.
- StreamCloud: An Elastic and Scalable Data Streaming System. V. Gulisano, R. Jimenez-Peris, M. Patiño-Martinez, C. Soriente, P.
Revista: IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Processing (TPDS). 2012. ISSN: 1045-9219.
- Hummingbird: Privacy at the time of Twitter. Emiliano De Cristofaro, Claudio Soriente, Gene Tsudik, Andrew Williams. Revista: IEEE Security and privacy. 2012. ISSN: 1540-7993.
- Participatory Privacy Enabling Privacy in Participatory Sensing. Emiliano De Cristofaro, Claudio Soriente. Revista: IEEE Network. 2012. ISSN: 0890-8044.
- Failure Detectors in Homonymous Distributed Systems (with an Application to Consensus). Sergio Arevalo, Antonio Fernandez Anta, Damien Imbs, Ernesto Jimenez and Michel Raynal. Publicación congreso: IEEE 32nd IEEE Int. Conf. on Distributed Computing Systems (ICDCS), China, Jun. 2012.
- Evgenia Christoforou, Antonio Fernández Anta, Chryssis Georgiou, Miguel A. Mosteiro, Angel Sanchez: Achieving Reliability in Master-Worker Computing via Evolutionary Dynamics. Euro-Par 2012: 451-463.
- Sergio Arévalo, Antonio Fernández Anta, Damien Imbs, Ernesto Jiménez, Michel Raynal. ICDCS 2012: 275-284.
- Joerg Widmer, Andrea Capalbo, Antonio Fernández Anta, Albert Banchs: Rate allocation for layered multicast streaming with inter-layer network coding. INFOCOM 2012: 2796-2800
- Martin Farach-Colton, Antonio Fernández Anta, Alessia Milani, Miguel A. Mosteiro, Shmuel Zaks: Opportunistic Information Dissemination in Mobile Ad-Hoc Networks: Adaptiveness vs. Obliviousness and Randomization vs. Determinism. LATIN 2012: 303-314
- Kshitiz
Verma, Gianluca Rizzo, Antonio Fernández Anta, Rubén Cuevas Rumín, Arturo
Azcorra: Greening the Internet: Energy-Optimal File Distribution. NCA 2012: 1-9
BEST PAPER AWARD - Alberto Mozo, José Luis López-Presa, Antonio Fernández Anta: SLBN: A Scalable Max-min Fair Algorithm for Rate-Based Explicit Congestion Control. NCA 2012: 212-219
- Evgenia
Christoforou, Antonio Fernández Anta, Chryssis Georgiou, Miguel A. Mosteiro,
Angel Sanchez: Brief announcement: achieving reliability in master-worker
computing via evolutionary dynamics. PODC 2012: 225-226
- Lin Wang, Antonio Fernández Anta, Fa Zhang, Chenying Hou, Zhiyong Liu: Energy-Efficient Network Routing with Discrete Cost Functions. TAMC 2012: 307-318
- Jordi Arjona Aroca, Antonio Fernández Anta: Bisection (Band)Width of Product Networks with Application to Data Centers. TAMC 2012: 461-472
- Antonio Fernández Anta, Alessia Milani, Miguel A. Mosteiro, Shmuel Zaks: Opportunistic information dissemination in mobile ad-hoc networks: the profit of global synchrony. Distributed Computing 25(4): 279-296 (2012)
- Matthew Andrews, Antonio Fernández Anta, Lisa Zhang, Wenbo Zhao: Routing for Power Minimization in the Speed Scaling Model. IEEE/ACM Trans. Netw. 20(1): 285-294 (2012)
- Víctor López Millán, Vicent Cholvi, Luis López, Antonio Fernández Anta: A model of self-avoiding random walks for searching complex networks. Networks 60(2): 71-85 (2012)
- Antonio Fernández Anta, Chryssis Georgiou, Luis López, Agustín Santos: Reliable Internet-Based Master-Worker Computing in the Presence of Malicious Workers. Parallel Processing Letters 22(1): (2012)
- Antonio
Fernández Anta, Miguel A. Mosteiro, Christopher Thraves: Deterministic
recurrent communication in restricted Sensor Networks. Theor. Comput. Sci. 418:
37-47 (2012)
- Using clouds to scale grid resources: An economic model. Luis Rodero-Merino, Eddy Caron, Adrian Muresan, Frédéric Desprez. Revista: Future Generation Computer Systems. 27th October 2011 (online). Elsevier publishers. DOI: 10.1016//j.future.2011.10.001.
- Short paper: PEPSI -privacy-enhanced participatory sensing infrastructure. Emiliano De Cristofaro, Claudio Soriente. Publicación congreso: 4th ACM Conference on Wireless Network Security (WISEC 2011). Hamburg, Germany, June 14-17. ACM 2011, peges: 23-28. ISBN: 978-1-4503-0692-8. DOI: 10.1145/1998412.1998418.
- Intrusion-resilient integrity in data-centric unattended WSNs. Roberto Di Pietro, Claudio Soriente, Angelo Spognardi, Gene Tsudik. Revista: Pervasive and Mobile Computing: volume 7 (issue 4): 495-508 (August 2011).Elsevier Science Publishers (Amsterdam, Netherlands). ISSN: 1574-1192. DOI: 10.1016/j.pmcj.2010.12.003.
- Building Trust for lambda-Congenial Secret Groups. Di MA, Claudio Soriente. Publicación congreso: Int. Conf. on Broadband and Wireless Computing, Communications and Applications (BWCCA 2011). 26-28 October 2011, Barcelona. Pag. 222-229. ISBN: 978-1-4577-1455-9. DOI: 10.1109/BWCCA.2011.35.
- Fault Tolerant Business Processes. Sanka Samaranayake, Ricardo Jiménez Peris, Marta Patiño Martínez. Publicación congreso: Proceedings Jornadas SISTEDES (5-7 de septiembre 2011, Coruña, Spain), p. 161-166. ISBN: 978-84-9749-485-4.
- Elastic SI-Cache: Consistent and Scalable Caching in Multi-Tier Architectures. Francisco Perez-Sorrosal, R.Jimenez-Peris, M.Patiño-Martinez, B. Kemme. Revista: VLDB Journal (VLDBJ) (fecha: april 2011)
Publicación: Springer, DOI:10.1007/s00778-011-0228-8, ISSN: 1066-8888 (print version) ISSN: 0949-877X (electroni) (pág: 328-347)URL: - Routing for Power Minimization in the Speed Scaling Model. Matthew Andrews, Antonio Fernández Anta, Lisa Zhang, Wenbo Zhao. Revista: IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking (fecha: 2011) Publicación: in press. URL:
- Esther M. Arkin, Antonio Fernández Anta, Joseph S. B. Mitchell, Miguel A. Mosteiro: Probabilistic Bounds on the Length of a Longest Edge in Delaunay Graphs of Random Points in d-Dimensions. CCCG 2011
- Evgenia Christoforou, Antonio Fernández Anta, Chryssis Georgiou, Miguel A. Mosteiro: Brief Announcement: Algorithmic Mechanisms for Internet-Based Computing under Unreliable Communication. DISC 2011: 147-149
- Martin Farach-Colton, Antonio Fernández Anta, Alessia Milani, Miguel A. Mosteiro, Shmuel Zaks: Brief Announcement: Opportunistic Information Dissemination in Mobile Ad-Hoc Networks: - Adaptiveness vs. Obliviousness and Randomization vs. Determinism. DISC 2011: 202-204
- Antonio Fernández Anta, Miguel A. Mosteiro, Jorge Ramón Muñoz: Unbounded Contention Resolution in Multiple-Access Channels. DISC 2011: 225-236
- From an asynchronous intermittent rotating star to an eventual leader. Antonio Fernàndez Anta, Michel Raynal. Article. Revista: IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems (fecha: 2010). Publicación: vol. 21, no. 9, DOI:10.1109/TPDS.2009.163. (pág: 1290-1303) URL: .2009.163
- A Simple Analytical Model for Energy Efficient Ethernet. Marco Ajmone Marsan, Antonio Fernández Anta, Vincenzo Mancuso, Balaji Rengarajan, Pedro Reviriego Vasallo, Gianluca Rizzo. Article Revista: IEEE Communications Letters 15(7): 773-775. (fecha: 2011). Publicación: in press. URL:
- Security and Privacy Issues in the Portable Document Format. A. Castiglione, A. De Santis and C. Soriente. Revista: Journal of Systems and Software (fecha: october 2010). Publicación: Elsevier, volume 83,Issue 10, ISSN: 0164-1212. (pág: 1813-1822) URL: DOI: 10.1016/j.jss.2010.04.062
- Dariusz R. Kowalski, Pierre Sens, Antonio Fernández Anta, Guillaume Pierre: Introduction. Euro-Par (1) 2011: 554
- Improving the Performance of Chaos-Based Modulations via Serial Concatenation. Francisco J. Escribano, Luis Lopez Fernandez, Miguel A.F. Sanjuan. Article Revista: IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems-I
(fecha: 2010). Publicación: vol.57, no.2. (pág: 448-459). URL: 056 - A Methodological Construction of an Efficient Sequentially Consistent Distributed Shared Memory. Vicent Cholvi, Antonio Fernández, Ernesto Jiménez, Pilar Manzano, and Michel Raynal. Article. Revista: The Computer Journal (fecha: 2010). Publicación: Oxford University Press, vol.53, no.9 ISSN:0010-4620. (pág: 1523-1534). URL: nl/bxp090
- Enhanced IMS Handoff Mechanism for QoS Support over Heterogeneous Network. Jianxin Liao, Qi Qi, Xiaomin Zhu, Yufei Cao, Tonghong Li. Revista: Computer Journal (fecha: 2010). Publicación: volume 53, issue 10, (pág: 1719-1737)
- The impact of mobility on the geocasting problem in mobile ad-hoc networks: Solvability and cost. R. Baldoni, A. Fernández Anta, K. Ioannidou, and A. Milani Article. Revista: Theoretical Computer Science 412 (12-14): 1066-1080. (fecha: 2010). Publicación: DOI: 10.1016/j.tcs.2010.12.006. URL: s.2010.12.006
- Sender-based Multipath Out-of-order Scheduling for High-Definition Videophone in Multi-homed Devices. Jianxin Liao, Jingyu Wang,Tonghong Li, Xiaomin Zhu and Ping Zhang. Article. Revista: IEEE Transactions on Consumer Electronics (fecha: 2010). Publicación: volume 56, issue 3. (pág: 1466-1472)
- Alberto Mozo, José Luis López-Presa, Antonio Fernández Anta: B-Neck: A Distributed and Quiescent Max-Min Fair Algorithm. NCA 2011: 17-24
- Evgenia Christoforou, Antonio Fernández Anta, Chryssis Georgiou, Miguel A. Mosteiro: Algorithmic Mechanisms for Internet Supercomputing under Unreliable Communication. NCA 2011: 275-280
- Miguel A. Mosteiro, Antonio Fernández Anta, Jorge Ramón Muñoz: Unbounded contention resolution in multiple-access channels. PODC 2011: 211-212
- Alberto Mozo, José Luis López-Presa, Antonio Fernández Anta: B-neck: a distributed and quiescent max-min fair algorithm. PODC 2011: 217-218
- Antonio Fernández Anta, Miguel A. Mosteiro, Christopher Thraves: Deterministic Recurrent Communication and Synchronization in Restricted Sensor Networks. ALGOSENSORS 2010: 62-73
- Antonio Fernández Anta, Miguel A. Mosteiro: Contention Resolution in Multiple-Access Channels: k-Selection in Radio Networks. COCOON 2010: 378-388
- Antonio Fernández Anta, Alessia Milani, Miguel A. Mosteiro, Shmuel Zaks: Opportunistic Information Dissemination in Mobile Ad-hoc Networks: The Profit of Global Synchrony. DISC 2010: 374-388
- Matthew
Andrews, Antonio Fernández, Lisa Zhang, Wenbo Zhao: Routing and Scheduling for
Energy and Delay Minimization in the Powerdown Model. INFOCOM 2010: 21-25
- Matthew
Andrews, Antonio Fernández, Lisa Zhang, Wenbo Zhao: Routing for Energy
Minimization in the Speed Scaling Model. INFOCOM 2010: 2435-2443
- Antonio Fernández Anta, Chryssis Georgiou, Miguel A. Mosteiro: Algorithmic mechanisms for internet-based master-worker computing with untrusted and selfish workers. IPDPS 2010: 1-11
- Andrés Sevilla, Alberto Mozo, M. Araceli Lorenzo, José Luis López-Presa, Pilar Manzano, Antonio Fernández Anta: Biased Selection for Building Small-World Networks. OPODIS 2010: 32-47
- Exploiting Path Diversity to Enhace Aggregating Throughput for Multihomed Wireless Devices. Jianxin Liao, Jingyu Wang, Xiaomin Zhu and Tonghong Li. Revista: IEEE Transactions on Consumer Electronics
(fecha: may-10). Publicación: IEEE, vol 56, issue 2, ISSN: 0098-3063, DOI: 10.1109/TCE.2010.5505978. (pág: 613-619). URL: - An Efficient Fault Diagnosis Technique for Home Unified Service System. Jianxin Liao, Cheng Zhang, Tonghong Li and Xiaomin Zhu. Revista: IEEE Transactions on Consumer Electronics. (fecha: 2010). Publicación: Volume 56, Issue 3 (pág: 1487-1494)
- Performance of Random Walks in One-Hop Replication Networks. Luis Rodero-Merino, Antonio Fernández Anta, Luis López, Vicent Cholvi. Revista: Computer Networks (fecha: 2010). Publicación: vol.54, DOI: 10.1016/j.comnet.2009.10.006. (pág: 781-796). URL: mnet.2009.10.006
- A timing assumption and two t-resilient protocols for implementing an eventual leader service in asynchronous shared memory systems. Antonio Fernández, Ernesto Jiménez, Michel Raynal, Gilles Tredan. Revista: Algorithmica (fecha: 2010). Publicación: vol. 56, no. 4 ISSN: 0178-4617. (pág: 550-576). URL: 53-008-9190-2
- Reducing the Inaccuracy Caused by Inappropiate Time Window in Probabilistic Fault Loalization. Jianxin Liao, Cheng Zhang, Tonghong Li, Xiaomin Zhu. Revista: IEICE Transactions on Communications (fecha:
2010). Publicación: volume E94-B, No.1 (pág: 128-138) - Performance of scheduling policies in adversarial networks with non-synchronized clocks. Antonio Fernández, Jose Luis López-Presa, MªAraceli Lorenzo, Pilar Manzano, Juan Martínez-Romo, Alberto Mozo, Christopher Thraves. Revista: Theory of Computing Systems 48 (1): 1-22. (fecha: 2011), DOI: 10.1007/s00224-009-9223-5. URL: 24-009-9223-5
- Eventual leader election with weak assumptions on initial knowledge, communication reliability, and synchrony. Antonio Fernández Anta, Ernesto Jiménez, Michel Raynal. Revista: Journal of Computer Science and Technology (JCST) (fecha: 2010). Publicación: Springer, vol. 25, no. 6 ISSN: 1000-9000. (pág: 1267-1281). URL: 90-010-1100-9
- Communication-efficient and crash-quiescent Omega with Unknown Membership. Sergio Arévalo, Ernesto Jiménez, Mikel Larrea and Luis Mengual. Revista: Information Processing Letters (fecha: 2011). Publicación: vol. 111, no. 4 ISSN: 0020-0190. (pág: 194-199). URL: l.2010.11.012
- Exploring Application Layer Protocol Relationships in SoftSwitch. Zhu Xiaomin, Liao Jianxin, Chen JunLiang, Li Tonghong. Revista: China Communications (fecha: december 2009). Publicación: China Communications, vol 6, nº 4, issn: 1672-6626. (pág: 155-167). URL: LayeinSoft.pdf
- On the Connectivity of One-dimensional Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks. Liao Jianxin, Li Yuanzhen, Li Tonghong, Zhu Xiaomin, Zhang Lei. Revista: China Communications (fecha: february 2010). Publicación: China Communications, vol 7, nº 2, issn: 1672-6626. (pág: 65-70). URL:
- Deterministic Recurrent Communication and Synchronization in Restricted Sensor Networks. Antonio Fernández Anta, Miguel, A. Mosteiro, Christopher Thraves. Revista: Discrete Mathematics and Theoretical
Computer Science (fecha: 2011). Publicación: vol.nº13, no.1 (pág: 95-112). URL: 1748/3407 - A Quasi-Optimal Probabilistic Fault Localization Algorithm in Communications Networks. Jianxin Liao, Cheng Zhang, Tonghong Li, Xiaomin Zhu. Revista: Chinese Journal of Electronics (fecha: january 2011). Publicación: publisher: Zhongguo Dianzi Xuehui, vol 20, nº 1, ISSN: 1002-4653 (pág: 151-154). URL: 0110133.pdf
- Reliable Internet-based Master-worker Computing in the Presence of Malicious Workers. Antonio Fernández Anta, Chryssis Georgiou, Luis López, Agustín Santos. Revista: Parallel Processing Letters (fecha: June 2012). Publicación: to appear in June 2012. URL: /
- Contention Resolution in Multiple-Access Channels: k-Selection in Radio Networks. Antonio Fernández Anta, Miguel A. Mosteiro. Revista: Discrete Mathematics, Algorithms and Applications (fecha: 2010). Publicación: vol.2, no.4, DOI: 10.1142/S1793830910000796. (pág: 445-456). URL: 3830910000796
- Analysis of Chaos-Based Coded Modulations Under Intersymbol Interface. Francisco J. Escribano, Luis Lopez Fernandez, Miguel A.F. San Juan. Revista: Journal of Computers (fecha: 2010). Publicación: vol.5, no.10, p. 1459-1467.
- Creepy ¸ion i.e. Francisco J. Ballesteros, Gorka Guardiola, Enrique Soriano. Revista: System Support for Ambient Intelligence (fecha: february 2011). Publicación: UPGRADE (pág: 17-25)
- Database Replication. B. Kemme, R. Jimenez-Peris, M. Patiño-Martinez . Libro: Synthesis Lectures on Data Management #7 (fecha: january 2010). Publicación: Morgan & Claypool Publishers, vol (2), ISSN: 2153-5418, ISBN: 9781608455676 ISBN: 160845567X, doi: (pág: 1-153). URL: 01008DTM007
- System Support for Smart Spaces. J. Ballesteros, Enrique Soriano, Gorka Guardiola. Inbook (fecha: 2010). Publicación: in Handbook of Research on Ambient Intelligence: Trends and Perspectives. IGI Global.
- Unbounded Contention Resolution in Multiple-Access Channels. Antonio Fernández Anta, Miguel A. Mosteiro, Jorge Ramón Muñoz. Techreport. (fecha: Marzo 2011)
- Opportunistic Information Dissemination in Mobile Ad-hoc Networks: The Profit of Global Synchrony. Antonio Fernández Anta, Alessia Milani, Miguel A. Mosteiro, Shmuel Zaks. Techreport (fecha: febrero 2010)
- The Length of the Longest Edge in Multi-dimensional Delaunay Graphs. Esther M. Arkin, Antonio Fernández Anta, Joseph S.B. Mitchell, Miguel A. Mosteiro. Techreport (fecha: octubre 2010)
- The Future of Cloud Computing: Opportunities for European Cloud Computing beyong 2010. Ricardo Jiménez Peris entre otros autores del FP7 Expert group on Cloud Computing. Techreport (fecha: 26th January 2010). URL: .pdf
- B-Neck: a distributed and quiescent max-min fair algorithm. Alberto Mozo, Jose Luis López-Presa, Antonio Fernández Anta. Techreport (fecha: Abril 2011)
- Pepys - The network is a File system: Sape Mullender, Pascal Wolkotte, Francisco Ballesteros, Enrique Soriano, Gorka Guardiola. Techreport 2011. URL: 011-4.pdf
- Improving the performance of Styx Based Services over High Latency Links: Francisco J. Ballesteros, Enrique Soriano, Spyros Lalis, Gorka Guardiola. Techreport 2011
- Some Performance Experiments for Simple Data Structures: Francisco J. Ballesteros, Enrique Soriano. Techreport 2011
- Zgae: Proposed file system architecture Laboratorio de Sistemas. Techreport
Parallel Processing of Continuos Queries on Data Flows. Autores: Ricardo Jiménez Peris y Marta Patiño. Referencia: 61/356.353 (application number). Países: EEUU y PCT.
Network Scheluding for Energy Efficiency. Autores: Daniel Matthew Andrews, Yihao Zhang, Antonio Fernández. Referencia: 12/723.116 (application number). País: EEUU.
Método de control asíncrono de navegación web para dispositivos móviles. Autores: Saul Pablo Labajo Izquierdo, Francisco Javier López Fernández, Luís López Fernández, Juan Mateu Mullor, José María Recio Peláez, Luís Alberto Valencia Martínez. Referecia: P2008-03067 (oct 2008)
Caché Multi-versión con Aislamiento Relajado para Sistemas Replicados y No Replicados. Autores: Ricardo Jiménez Peris y Marta Patiño Martínez. Referencia: P2007-03107 (nov 2007)
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